One of the challenges many hunters face in the field is the issue of achieving maximum accuracy with their weapon be it a rifle or a crossbow. But thanks to the renowned portable hunting rest known as the Caldwell DeadShot Field Pod, hunters can now easily achieve benchrest accuracy in the field without stressing themselves too much.
Caldwell Dead Shot Field Pod with Detail Features
[easyazon_image align=”center” identifier=”B005CF0MVK” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”azhunt-20″ ]The manufacturers of this product, Caldwell Shooting Supplies, who are one of America’s most successful manufacturers of shooting products, designed the product in such an innovative way that it can easily be adjusted to perfectly accommodate different manners of guns and crossbows.
You can take advantage of the FieldPod’s height adjustment that ranges from 20 inches to 42 inches and either decide to sit in a chair or on the ground while using it.
With the FieldPod, acquiring targets can be pretty easy thanks to such features as an excellent Full Tilt function and a smooth 360 degree rotation. These features play highly significant roles in maximizing the accuracy of your shots.
The last but certainly not least admirable feature of the FieldPod worth mentioning is its excellent lightweight cast aluminum construction that is responsible for giving it its renowned lightness.
[easyazon_image align=”center” identifier=”B005CF0MVK” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”azhunt-20″ ] [easyazon_link identifier=”B005CF0MVK” locale=”US” tag=”azhunt-20″]>>> See Specifications & Read Customer Reviews on Amazon <<<[/easyazon_link]PROS
- Its light and quickly collapsible nature makes it very easy to be transported from one place to another.
- It is very easy to set up.
- It has the ability to hold your weapon very steady.
- It is compatible with different kinds of weapons, including rifles and crossbows.
- It is easily adjustable.
- It has a high-quality aluminum construction.
- It can be purchased in three different styles, namely Original, Magnum and Max.
- Price is a little bit steep.
- A number of customers have complained about the FieldPod not being solid enough to handle very heavy weapons.
Caldwell Dead Shot Field Pod Presentation Videos
Final Verdict
Taking advantage of the useful attributes that come with the Caldwell DeadShot Field Pod, a hunter can indeed increase his or her potential for a kill during a hunting expedition.
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